Rich Garden 100% Noni Juice 750 ml


RICH GARDEN Noni juice is made from fruits growing in the wild in Aitutaki. Our Noni juice is the perfect package of bio-available vitamins, minerals and enzymes. If you drink it everyday, you will benefit from its ability to evenly distribute all the nutrients to your body.


You need to commit to drinking 100% pure certified Noni juice for 90 days at the onset (4 bottles) or do not start at all! Every 90-100 days, your blood cells arerenewed which is why you need to complete this cycle.

When you take natural supplements, your body needs time for its cyclic processes to absorb the nutrients and be most effective. Noni juice will strengthen your immune system to prevent diseases from taking over your body.

Month 1 and 2 – week 1 take 30mls daily; week 2-8 take 60mls daily

Month 3 – take 30-60mls daily

Month 4 and onwards – take 30mls daily